Pure, Safe, Beneficial

Pure, Safe, Beneficial

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Trek South


The ponies and I made our annual trip south this past monday. Very grateful for one more very uneventful trip in the books. Healthy truck & healthy horses. Nothing is more interesting than traveling the entire east coast and noticing the little changes in culture each time you stop. Airports are right up there as well.

Going south for the winter is an obvious excitement for the horses and for the weather, but its also really great for my Arbonne business. I mostly talk to the internet about the company and all the topics that I am interested in. However, moving to a completely different place gives me a brand new group of people to share the possibilities with. Its also been fun to learn the different needs for the things that I sell. The weather is much drier here than it is at home. That sets us up for a whole new set of skincare needs.

I'm hoping for a bit milder winter this year weather-wise. The last two have been just a little bit too cold. I'm hoping to get going pretty quickly with metro to start the competition season. We'll start with a Training at Full Gallop in late January, followed by Prelim at Sporting Days and Pinetop. Then the possibility of a 1* or Intermediate later on. Better sell lots of Arbonne to fund the process!

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