Pure, Safe, Beneficial

Pure, Safe, Beneficial

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The not so wonderful scent of synthetic dyes...

Did You Know? Little tidbit fact that I just had to throw in there :)

*One acre of hemp (Grown in a single season) yields as much paper as up to 4 acres of trees.

That Isnt Apples That You Smell

95% of chemicals used in fragrances are synthetic compounds taken from petroleum.
These include benzene derivatives, aldenydes and many other toxins and sensitizers. These are capable of causing cancer, birth defects, as well as central nevous system disorders.

The toxins have been found in everything, from mother's milk to fish from the ocean. Many countries have banned synthetic fragrance chemicals because they are causing chronic migraines, ashtma, cancer and immune and nerve dysfunction that can affect the brain.

Your health may be affected, your reaction to these products is not an allergy. The chemicals are toxic and its becoming much more common for people to react to them and even be permanently damaged by them. Many times , in fact, usually the outcome is blamed on something else.

The scent that you smell in laundry detergent, deordorant, hair gels and perfume is only a small part of the ingredients in "Fragrance". Synthetic adhesives,glues, preservatives and spreading agents make up the rest.

These chemicals that make a smell stick to your clothes, they will also stick to your body, lungs and brain, or breast tissue. Once you have inhaled or applied the toxins.

To stay healthy and safe, use only natural and organic products for your skin, hair and clothes. Stay away from chemical air fresheners, deodorizers, and any chemical perfumes.

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