Pure, Safe, Beneficial

Pure, Safe, Beneficial

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Arbonne Essentials :30 Days to Healthy Living and Beyond

Living healthy is really living. It's about finding a sustainable lifestyle, not making radical changes that are unrealistic for you, your family, your schedule and your interests. The challenge is that most people don't understand what the term "healthy living" really means. People know that they want, but if you can't define a goal, it can be challenging to achieve success. For some, the definition of healthy living includes thing such as bean sprouts for breakfast, grueling pre-dawn jogs, and lettuce- leaf lunches.

The Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living and Beyond Story
Arbonne created this collection of nutritional products along with the accompanying guide to make choosing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle simple. The product collection offers everything you need to begin making healthy nutritional choices. The guide was designed to give you all of the knowledge and tools you need to make your plans, set your goals, and begin your road to a healthier lifestyle.

Key points of Difference
 *Beneficial nutrition in a convenient, easy to consume form
* knowledge, along with tools to set goals, create a realistic plan, and self-monitor your way to success
* solutions for cleansing, weight loss and other targeted products to meet individual nutritional needs for the entire family
*goal setting sheets for focus and accountability over the initial 30 -Day period and beyond
*meal planning guidelines, tips and tools
*activity inspirations and planning

From the Field to You!

Humans and nature have always had an intrinsic connection. Plants and flowers provide us with energy, vitality and life in so many incredible ways. We are drawn to nature. It nourishes our souls and our sense of well-being.
     This dynamic bond between humans and nature is the essence of Arbonne. Our botanically based products utilize the best of what nature has to offer to improve our lives. We look to nature for products that make us feel healthier, revitalized and more beautiful.
      From a field, a farm or even the ocean, we gently harvest nature's gifts. We carefully source them from all over the world- always with sustainability in our hearts and minds.
   The end result is a world class product crafted with integrity, expertise and innovation. Created especially for you.
    From the fields of nature to you. Enjoy and be well.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Arbonne IS healthy living

Healthy living is all about making the right choices. Critical
To making healthy decisions is having knowledge about the foods you are eating
Engaging in activities and supporting your diet with premium Arbonne Nutritionals that
Follow a rigorous ingredient policy that is gluten free, vegan and formulated with non GMO
ingredients. Having more energy  and vitality, feeing more engaged in life, and being happier can
Start with making a few small changes in your daily habits and engaging in self-education.
Healthy living  doesn't have to be complicated.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Healthy Hair Facts

Did you Know?
Your hair consists of 100,000 strands, with about 1,000 strands per square inch of your scalp. Hair is made up of a protein called Keratin, the same protein that protects fingernails. Keratin can be damaged from sun exposure, chemical processing, coloring, environmental pollutants, heat styling and cleansing with harsh shampoos.
*Common characteristics of damaged hair
-split ends, dulled shine, lack of moisture, extreme breakage, rough texture
-besides damage, the vibrancy and depth of hair color can fade from shampooing and sun exposure. Most hair coloring products penetrate into the layers of Keratin, causing hair to dry out, produce flyaways and create breakage that can cause hair thinning.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Accurate Information

I try hard to give my followers accurate information on the topics that I choose to write about. I don't want to give anything that may be misleading, or worse, inaccurate. Then I thought for a moment about all the misleading information we get every.single.day. In particular, concerning the topics that I do normally write about; the FDA can be misleading, the beauty industry is certainly misleading, the health & wellness industry, marketing companies, the list goes on. One health & wellness Independant Consultant who is, unlike the other agencies, is GENUINELY interested in the well being of others, making a genuine mistake, is probably not the worst thing to happen to the industry.

However, I will continue to do my best to provide up to date and accurate information that is 1) most interesting to the most users 2) accurate and helpful

Thanks for Following :)

What exactly is Healthy Living?

Living healthy is really living. It’s about finding a sustainable lifestyle, not making radical changes that are unrealistic for you, your family, your schedule or your interests. The challenge is that most people don’t understand what the term “healthy living” really means. People know that they want it, but if you can’t define a goal, it can be challenging to achieve success. For some, the definition of healthy living includes things such as bean sprouts for breakfast, grueling pre-dawn jogs, and lettuce-leaf lunches.Healthy living isn’t about eliminating all of the foods you love or pushing your body to unhealthy limits. It’s about finding a balance between the physical, emotional, nutritional, and motivational elements in your life.Science has shown that simple choices such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats or vegetarian protein sources, along with plenty of water and a limited intake of alcohol and caffeine, form a great foundation for a balanced diet. Cutting down on things such as unhealthy fats, refined white sugars, and processed foods can also help contribute to healthy lifestyle changes.Healthy living and positive lifestyle changes aren’t about nutrition alone. Activity plays a key role in feeling your best and living your best life, but that doesn’t have to mean running a marathon or spending hours each day in a gym. To start with, it can be as simple as moving more than the day before. Even a short walk can provide you with physical and physiological benefits. These are the types of simple, realistic, sustainable changes that can directly affect your weight, mood, attitude and general sense of well-being.
Arbonne Essentials®
30 Days to Healthy Living and Beyond
Focus Guide

Stress? Who needs it.

Articles from the Mayo Clinic that I have found extremely helpful in both my professional and personal life.

Tips to Tame Stress