Pure, Safe, Beneficial

Pure, Safe, Beneficial

Monday, February 1, 2016

Natural News Chemical Numbers

All from NaturalNews.com
* The average woman puts 515 Chemicals in her body everyday.

The following products are things that we all use EVERY DAY.

*Shampoo: Average # of Chemicals: 15
   Most worrying: Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, Tertasodium, propylene glycol

* Eye Shadow: Average # of Chemicals:26
     Most worrying: plythylene terephthalate
     Possible side effects: linked to cancer, infertility, hormonal disruptions and organ damage

*Lipstick: Chemicals:33
   Most Worrying : polymenthyl methacrylate

*Nail Varnish: Chemicals:31
   Most worrying: phthalates

*Hairspray: Chemicals:11
    Most worrying: octinoxate, isophthalates

*Blusher: Chemicals:16
    Most worrying: ethylparabens, methylparaben,propylparaben

*Foundation: Chemicals:24
    Most worrying: polymethyl methacrylate

*Deodorant: Chemicals : 15
    Most worrying: isopropyl myristate "parfum"

*Body Lotion : Chemicals : 32
   Most worrying: methylparaben, propylparaben, polyethylene glycol (found in oven cleaners)

*Perfume : Chemicals: 250!
    Most worrying: Benzaldehyde

*Fake Tan: Chemicals: 22
   Most worrying: Parabens

**Tidbits from a study done by Bionsen, a company in the U.K that sells aluminum free body products

*Average woman applies 515 chemicals to her face daily
*Average 13 different beauty products, most contain at least 20 ingredients and additives
*Most perfumes contain over 400 ingredients

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