Pure, Safe, Beneficial

Pure, Safe, Beneficial

Monday, October 19, 2015

Healthy Skin Tips..dry skin, acne and dark circles

**Treat Acne Prone Skin with Care- Excessive scrubbing or washing can irritate your skin and actually make acne worse. So can using astringents and facial scrubs. Instead, wash problem areas with a gentle cleanser. To dry excess oil, try something that contains salicylic acid.

**dark circles under eyes?? Check your nose.
Extra ZZZ's may not cure those dark circles under your eyes. One common cause is nasal congestion. When your nose gets congested, veins that usually drain from your eyes into your nose become widened and darker. Rinsing your sinuses with a saltwater solution (mix 1/4 teaspoon sea salt with 2 cups warm water)

**Dry Skin
Ordinarily, dry skin isnt serious, but it can be uncomfortable and unsightly, creating fine lines and wrinkles. Serious dry skin conditions- an inherited group of disorders called ichthyosis- can be sometimes disfiguring. Fortunately, environmental factors that can be at least partially controlled cause most dry skin. These factors include hot or cold weather, low humidity and soaking in hot water. Chronic or severe dry skin problems may require evaluation by a doctor who specializes in skin (dermatologist) But first you can do a lot on your own to improve your skin, including using moisturizers and avoiding harsh, drying soaps.

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