Pure, Safe, Beneficial

Pure, Safe, Beneficial

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

more and more tidbits

Green Coffee Beans – What You Need to Know
Green coffee beans are coffee beans that have not yet been roasted. These contain a higher amount of the naturally occurring phytochemical, chlorogenic acid, which was found to help support weight maintenance because it can help reduce the amount of glucose absorbed in the small intestine. The grade of green coffee bean extract used in in Arbonne Evolution ThermoBooster was clinically tested in human studies and shown to support healthy weight management. 

Style Blazer's Quick & Healthy Breakfast Ideas Include Arbonne Essentials Protein Shake!
The "#1 Fashion Obsession" site online, StyleBlazer.com, has posted an article with "15 Quick and Healthy Breakfast Hacks" to get you out the door on time, but not on an empty stomach. For that most important meal of the day, the writer has 15 quick and healthy recommendations including Arbonne Essentials Protein Shake

Style Fox Features 5 Healthy Post-Workout Snacks Including Arbonne Essentials®!
Style Fox, the socially responsible fashion, beauty and healthy lifestyle website, recommended some tasty, healthy post-workout snacks. An Arbonne Essentials Protein Shake is among the writer's top picks for "an instant fulfilling boost after your gym session." 


Monday, October 19, 2015

Healthy Skin Tips..dry skin, acne and dark circles

**Treat Acne Prone Skin with Care- Excessive scrubbing or washing can irritate your skin and actually make acne worse. So can using astringents and facial scrubs. Instead, wash problem areas with a gentle cleanser. To dry excess oil, try something that contains salicylic acid.

**dark circles under eyes?? Check your nose.
Extra ZZZ's may not cure those dark circles under your eyes. One common cause is nasal congestion. When your nose gets congested, veins that usually drain from your eyes into your nose become widened and darker. Rinsing your sinuses with a saltwater solution (mix 1/4 teaspoon sea salt with 2 cups warm water)

**Dry Skin
Ordinarily, dry skin isnt serious, but it can be uncomfortable and unsightly, creating fine lines and wrinkles. Serious dry skin conditions- an inherited group of disorders called ichthyosis- can be sometimes disfiguring. Fortunately, environmental factors that can be at least partially controlled cause most dry skin. These factors include hot or cold weather, low humidity and soaking in hot water. Chronic or severe dry skin problems may require evaluation by a doctor who specializes in skin (dermatologist) But first you can do a lot on your own to improve your skin, including using moisturizers and avoiding harsh, drying soaps.

Arbonne Essentials for Daily Health

The ideal diet to fuel and balance the body's nutritional needs should consist of a variety of fruits and vegetables, lean protein sources, whole grains, low fat dairy or plant based calcium sources, along with heart healthy fats like those found in coldwater, wild fish, almonds, or extra-virgin olive oil. According to the USDA, an ideal healthy plate or meal should look like this :
1/2 fruits and vegetables
1/4 grains, at least half of the grains should be whole
1/4 lean protein from plant or animal sources
3 cups or servings of nonfat, low fat dairy or plant based calcium sources

*Modern Farming Practices- Today's farming techniques yield large fast-growing plants that may often lack key micronutrients found in more traditionally raised crops
*Aging- as we age, its common for our bodies to have to work harder to digest and absorb key nutrients as a result of insufficient stomach acid or low amounts of beneficial microorganisms in our digestive tracts.
*Frequent Dieting- a reduced-calorie diet often makes it more challenging to get all of the necessary nutrition
*Busy Lives- Balancing priorities can lead to time management challenges that make it much harder to consistently plan, shop for and prepare balanced, full meals. Even well-balanced diets may not include a broad enough range of fruits and vegetables to ensure that we are getting all the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients we need.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Healthy Living Shopping Guide!

A great cheat sheet to attach to your grocery list for reference!

Do YOU need to detox?

Fat Toxicity – Why We Need to Detoxify

Why do we have Toxic Body Fat?
Our environment and the food we eat have changed drastically over time: everything is much more toxic now. The world we live in is full of toxins, including pesticides, herbicides and heavy metals in food, chemical scents in candles, chloride in drinking water – just to name a few. The changes have occurred so recently that our bodies have not yet been able to adapt. Our bodies cannot process all these toxins. Because of this, nearly everyone has toxic buildup in their bodies. As a natural defense mechanism, toxins are pulled away from our vital organs and stored in body fat. This is why so many people carry unwanted body fat (often around lower belly, hips and thighs) even if they are reducing caloric intake and exercising. When weight loss stalls, in order to lose that unwanted fat weight, we must detoxify. It is important that we detoxify to prevent disease and maintain health.
It might be helpful to consider the analogy of our bodies as a bathtub. Just like water fills up a tub through a faucet, toxins fill up our bodies by the air we breathe, the things we touch and the food and beverages we eat and drink. In a bathtub, if the water comes in at a faster rate than the water goes out through the drain, the water level rises and might even spill over the top. In our bodies, when toxins come in at a faster rate than our bodies can process them, our body pulls those toxins away from our vital organs and holds them in fat stores. The toxins are also stored in the thyroid, brain, central nervous system, and liver. Sometimes our toxic load is so high that it “spills over the top” which can lead to a range of health problems such as diabetes, skin irritations, heart disease, chronic pain, digestive problems, headaches, mood swings, irritability, etc…
By focusing on eliminating toxins from our diets and eating whole foods, we help our bodies detoxify. Back to the bathtub analogy: by decreasing the amount of water coming in through the faucet, the water level naturally falls. In our bodies, when we decrease the toxins coming in, our overall toxic load falls. It is also important to “clean the drain” so that toxins can be more efficiently eliminated. Our healthy lifestyle program offers whole food nutrition as well as a liver and kidney cleanse so we effectively decrease our overall toxic load. When we decrease our toxic load, we feel better and also are
able to lose unwanted fat weight – especially lower belly, hips and thigh fat.